How to stand out at World Travel Market 2023

Do you know what it takes to stand out from the crowd when exhibiting at World Travel Market? Taking part in the travel industry’s most important annual trade show costs you time and money, so it pays to invest in expert trade representation tactics to enhance your profile and maximise your ROI.

The PC Agency has introduced WTM Launchpad — a new streamlined package designed to help you do just that. Our friendly team of travel trade representation professionals can work with you to identify some quick and easy ways to supercharge your networking capabilities, amplify your reach, and seize every opportunity to truly shine.

The clock’s ticking but it’s not too late to elevate your marketing plan with some smart activations designed to impress your potential partners and secure more high quality meetings with the most influential trade and media representatives.

Drawing from our expert travel trade knowledge and long-standing relationships with WTM event organisers, we’ve created WTM Launchpad, a special package of high-impact trade PR solutions, now available at a choice of three service levels:

Option 1: Meet the media
The PC Agency will:
– Work with you to develop strong news hook for media
– Secure a minimum of five interviews for minister/CEO/Chairman
– Identify and create a list of target media to approach
– Create a media briefing document for key spokespeople with potential questions and interview guidelines
– Organise and coordinate interviews with key media
– Draft and distribute a press release following your approval
– Provide post-event report within two weeks of event

A senior team member will accompany you at interviews, but will not be in attendance at the stand.

Option 2: Meet the trade
The PC Agency will:
– Recruit and secure at least 6-10 trade meetings with qualified buyers
– Prepare a briefing document for the tourism board and stand partners

A senior member of The PC Agency team will attend all trade meetings
Provide post-event report within two weeks of event

Option 3: Trade and media package
When you book a project including PR and trade activity, we will appoint a senior member of The PC Agency team to be in attendance at your stand for all three days of WTM for no additional cost.

In addition to covering ALL interviews and trade meetings, our team will support with:
– Answering general enquiries at the front desk and signposting to stand partners
– Liaising with stand builders, caterers and other suppliers
– Managing on-stand activations

This list can be defined upon receiving your brief.

WTM Launchpad is an agile service line comprising core services and tactics which can be easily customised to meet your specific needs.

Talk to our trade representation team today to discover how we can launch your WTM presence with wow factor.

For more information, please contact:
Sophie Holloway / Sarah Jackson | +44 (0)20 7768 0001


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