Kenya Tourism Board – The Real Deal

Increasing booking numbers to Kenya through trade marketing and an innovative digital campaign to encourage the younger generations to travel to the destination.

The Brief

During a time of high competition, Kenya Tourism Board looked to The PC Agency to reinvigorate Kenya’s tourism industry by showcasing the wide variety of unique experiences on offer in the destination.

The PC Agency was appointed to promote this new tourism strategy across Europe to reach maximum exposure through a mixture of trade marketing, consumer, PR, social media and digital activities.

The campaign of “Real Deal Kenya” was developed to showcase the authentic, bucket-list interactions and activities available to global visitors and to generate an uplift in booking numbers to the destination from Europe.

Our Approach

With a fantastic asset library of images and videos, the PC Agency proposed an impactful, visual digital campaign across a mixture of platforms to reach both new and repeat travellers to Africa, with particular focus on the under 50s generations.

The campaign was launched across Europe featuring online adverts, a partnership with, social media activity, an audio advertisement on Spotify and YouTube adverts, with the aim to direct traffic to Magical Kenya’s microsite, which showcased six offers from tour operators in the three European markets.

The Results

As a result of the campaign, booking enquiries to Kenya increased by 700%, meeting the client’s objective for a demonstrated uplift in booking numbers.

Furthermore, the PC Agency secured extensive exposure delivering over 23.9 million impressions with a 72% completion rate on YouTube video views and a 97% completion rate on Spotify adverts, 43% of which were 24-34 year olds. The PC Agency also secured campaign coverage in TTG, Selling Travel Magazine and Breaking Travel News.

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